Vision & Mission
In Matthew 28 Jesus calls us as the church to go and make disciples of all nations. As a church, we believe it is our responsibility to make it as easy as possible for people to be connected to Christ and his grace-filled transformational power. To do that we have to offer a clear and simple process with a FOCUSED plan for our church’s future.

Our Vision:
Lifelong transformation in Christ.
Our Mission:
Meet Jesus. Make Friends.
Make a Difference.

01. Welcoming
We believe a church is like our home and we want everyone who comes through our front door to feel noticed, loved, and welcomed with a warm smile and open arms. God made everyone unique and as His church, we welcome every child of God into our community!
02. Truth
We bring Biblical truths to a broken culture. Truth is spoken with love, worship is passionate, relatable, challenging, and nourishing to the soul. Our Sunday worship continues to be centered on Christ and a beacon of light in our dark world.
03. Equipping
We value our church being a training ground for people to discover their Calling and use their gifts to the fullest potential as God designed them to. Every sermon, class, and gathering is a time to prepare ourselves for what the world is saying and what God wants us to do about it. Our worship remains the standard of honoring and worshiping God with excellence.
04. Innovation
We do not restrict ourselves to what we can do, but leave it to God and our imagination to drive our purpose everyday. Our church celebrates God’s plan as being greater than our own and passionately innovates ways to be making a difference where God is leading us. Imagine with us, a world filled with the hope of restoration through Jesus Christ! Now let’s innovate!
We do not want to live life going through the motions. We value real ministry that transforms lives and impacts families and communities. We value Kingdom wins and relationships restored with the hope and forgiveness only Jesus offers.